Top 5 Organizing Mistakes

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I’ve written a lot about different organizing ideas but there are several reasons why getting organized doesn’t always work. Here are five mistakes to avoid.

1.  Organizing clutter is not going to help you get organized. If you have a lot of stuff that you don’t use or need you will end up spinning your wheels trying to get it organized. SOLUTION:Get rid of clutter so that it allows you the space and energy to organize the things in your life that are relevant to you.

2.  Confusing being neat for being organized. Although neatness can be a product of organization it’s doesn’t mean you’re on top of things, on time, efficient and/or orderly. SOLUTION: Assess whether things in your life are running smoothly…or simply looking good. If it’s the latter, focus on the “systems” in your home, not on its appearance.

3.  Buying organizing products like containers, bins and baskets without knowing how and where you’ll use them.  SOLUTION: Purge and sort your things by similar items or groups and assess  the number and size of containers you need before buying them.

4.  Expecting instant gratification. Getting your home and life organized can be a long process. It can be tedious and even overwhelming at times.  SOLUTION: Take one project at a time and hang in there. Over time you will see incredible benefits of being organized.

5.  Procrastinating. It’s hard not to do it, but the longer you wait to get organized, the harder it is to get caught up.  SOLUTION: Set small goals (daily or weekly) for yourself to keep you motivated and to make small, but meaningful strides.