3 Tricks To Get Motivated

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Have you ever put off something fo-evuh and then rushed to get it done just because someone was coming over?

Guests are a very effective deadline!

My parents are visiting from New Jersey this week which I’m super excited about. But of course I’m also hauling butt on things I’ve been procrastinating for weeks.

Like cleaning the guest room closet or finally putting away the extra fan that’s been sitting in the corner of the hallway.ย (Really think it would have sat there through the summer if they weren’t on the way).ย 

It’s funny what motivates us to take action. And often the things we procrastinate are no big deal at all. It’s the build up that is so much worse than the reality.

In today’s video I’m going to tell you three ways to get your booty shakin’ and take action on stuff you’ve been putting off. I’m going to tackle some of the most common challenges so many of us face.

They’re simply excuses that keep us from reaching our goals. The good news is that with a little honesty about ourselves, we can get motivated to make change.

After you’re done watching, puh-lease let me know if you’re feeling motivated to do something you’ve been procrastinating.

Love your support and enthusiasm!



Terry B

Love the comments about the hat – so true! I overanalyze everything. thank you for your east, simple tricks on how to get and stay motivated.


For years I’ve been meaning to organize my photos, but keep putting it off due to the volume of pictures. I keep wanting to buy all these photo organizer containers, but never want to dish the money out for them and I don’t have a plan, lol. So, I’m going to start with one box, and see what happens.


You’re so welcome Terry! Even though I do this for a living, I do the same thing sometimes. Just got to reel myself back in once in a while. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love hearing from you. xo, Mridu


Now that is a GREAT plan. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Getting started is definitely the hardest part. Shoeboxes work great for photos. I can’t wait to hear how it goes! Thanks for sharing Jennifer. ๐Ÿ™‚

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