Why Living With Less Is More w/ Vanessa Hayes

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Today I’m doing things a little bit differently.

You know how I’m always striving to make lives run more smoothly, whether it be embracing a new app or being more selective with time commitments?

That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to a colleague and friend of mine that inspires and motivates me to simplify my life all the time. (Seriously, she is the bomb).

Hearing experiences from someone who is committed to simplification, freedom and living happier, lights me up like nobody’s business.

Please sit back and enjoy my conversation with organization expert, Vanessa Hayes of Get Simplifized and Simple Life Together.

Heads up. Today’s video is a lot longer than usual but there is so much juicy value in it – I really think you’re going to love it!

When you’re done watching, puh-lease let me know what part of our talk resonated with you the most.

And here’s Vanessa’s info. so you can get inspired by her every week.
Check out her site: Get Simplifized and Simple Life Together
Subscribe to Vanessa’s podcast: (Trust me on this): Simple Life Together

Thank you so much for your time my sweet friend. Your support means so much to me.

Wishing you a stress-free and laughter-filled week,

P.S. Lesson learned! I need to step back at least one foot next time I record. I bet you’re feeling really close to me, huh? 😉



Thinking I need to scale down on kids’ extracurriculars. Time and money are running out. Got sucked into it because it all seemed “good.” But it’s not giving us “great.”


I’m so thrilled you found it valuable Terry. Thanks for your message. xo, mridu


Great insight! It’s so easy for all of us to want to give more and more to our kids but so important to step back and look at the big picture. What value is it adding? Is it line with your priorities?
Thanks for giving us something to think about. xoxo, mridu


Awesome interview! Nice job, and very helpful life advice. Vanessa and you are soul sisters…except for the military part. That you could never do.


Yeah, 3 push ups and I’d be out! 😉 But yes, Vanessa and I come from the same seed. We had such a great time doing this. Sooo glad you enjoyed it. xo, mridu


Great information ! I believe that we only use about 20% or less of our stuff which means we can help other people with the 80% we don’t use or need.


Great interview! very inspirational. Love the five Fs, lots of helpful information. Time to re-evaluate life. Thank U so much!

Mridu Parikh

This is so true! It’s so funny you said that because I literally just threw out that stat to my husband this morning when I was on a rampage to simplify my closet. I want to get it to the point where I wear 80% of my stuff all the time. Start with the closet…and then work to other areas of my life too. 🙂 Thanks so much for this great reminder!! best, mridu

Mridu Parikh

I love the 5 F’s too! I have them hanging in my office. Vanessa is one insightful lady. 🙂 So glad you enjoyed the interview and were inspired by it. lots of love, m

Quay OHara

Hi Mridu, Thanks for the interview. I liked it right away because Vanessa lives in my birth town of San Antonio, TX. I loved the 5 F-words – Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances and Freedom. All of those words are true for me as goals, and show up in some form when I write goals down. Just a clever way to remember them. And I’ll listen to the pod-casts.


Quay, I LOVE the 5 F words too! So simple and so powerful. Glad you had such a great takewaway from this interview. Always wishing you the best, Mridu 🙂

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