5 Things You Can Ditch RIGHT NOW

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Coming fresh off a 10-day decluttering challenge, I’m on a purging high!

Encouraged by a group of fabulous women committed to simplifying their lives, we made pretty good headway (if I may say so myself). πŸ˜‰

Some things I got out?

  • my stiletto, thigh high boots (talk about aspirational clutter)
  • a box of scrapbooking material (which hasn’t seen the light of day in six years!)
  • ratty guest towels (that no one I care aboutΒ should be using)
  • old face cleansers and lotions (2013 expiration dates are no longer acceptable!)

…just to name a few.

Some things made me think: “Ewww. Why do I still have this?”

While others took a lot of mindset shifting, conversations with myself, and honest introspection. (Yes, even this seemingly ruthless organization junkie has a hard time letting go!)

Either way, going through these exercises in January is so empowering. It sets the mood for the year and gets you in the decluttering mindset.

Which means that when spring comes along, you’re way ahead of the game.

So I want to keep it up this week by offering you five QUICK things you can declutter right away.

In fact, I’m counting on you to hit at least one of these areas in about three minutes (right after you’ve watched today’s video).

And when you’re done, be sure to let us know which area you’ve conquered.Β 

Our mutual support strengthens our desire to take action.Β So I can’t wait to hear from your gorgeous self down in the commentsΒ to inspire and celebrate.

Remember, every small step is a big leap towards building the home you crave and the life you love.

To small action and big hearts!

XO, Mridu

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



Oh Mridu, so easy, so true, 5 things be gone…now!!! Thanks, see you Monday!

Mridu Parikh

AWESOME! Yes, see you in the free workshop. SO excited to get started! xo,m

Angela Davies

I love it when you suggest things I’ve already done, it makes me feel like I’m getting somewhere. So I’m going to tackle receipts and hangers, I don’t hang on to receipts on purpose I just stuff them in my purse and pockets and hangers I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Thanks for your help in these matters, Angela.

Mridu Parikh

You ARE getting so far! Love hearing your updates and so proud of all the progress you’ve made. You are amazing! xo, mridu


Yup! I guess it is time to ditch the self-tanning samples! — Did I mention I am pretty brown already?

Mridu Parikh

LOL!!! Yes actually, I think I noticed that. πŸ˜‰ Good for you – get those darn samples out. So great to hear from you Charu. xoxo, mridu


This a great list Mdridu.
I would also suggest the ever popular getting rid of all the old holey socks, stretched out undies and bras !
It’s relaxing to open the door and know your unmentionables are in decent shape !

Mridu Parikh

Oh yes! Definitely add those to the list. πŸ˜‰ The mismatched holey socks (and undergarments) have no business being in our beautiful drawers. Am I right?? πŸ˜‰ Thanks for the inspiration Carolyn. XO, Mridu


Just did the containers and lids. The cabinet is neat and organized. I’m free!


I will get ride of old hangers today! Gotten rid of un-worm clothes but now to get rid of old hangers!

Mridu Parikh

Perfect! You’ll love all the space and will avoid collecting more stuff. Woo hoo!! xo, mridu


The lids are always an eye sore for me. Work on that today. and that frompy sweater I am sure someone else can use it.

Leah Rachelle Berman

I’ve been wearing a pair of really yucky grey sweatpants and a yucky white sweatshirt (that have seen much better days). I wear them around the house to do cleaning, etc. Well, I feel frumpy in them and don’t like how I feel in them. So, I’m ready to chuck them!
In their place I’m going to buy a nice sweatpants and sweatshirt matching set, yes, matching set, so I can feel comfortable and look/feel worthwhile as I’m doing house chores. So, that’s going to be my throw away! Oh, I’ve already thrown out socks that lost their mates. I think they travel to the black holes in space. Perhaps that’s where those missing lids are. Well, that’s it for now.

Mridu Parikh

I love that Leah!! No reason you should feel frumpy when you can feel beautiful. :)) Excited for you! And great job with socks. Oh those singles…those singles!! πŸ˜‰ xo, mridu

Jennifer Sellers

I went through my entire plastics drawer and if I couldn’t match a bottom and a lid, out they went. I have a habit of grabbing the containers to do painting trim or art orojects or even organizing my junk and makeup drawers, so now I finally got rid of all the unmatched lids! I’ve been meaning to do this and your post gave me the push to go do it! So much fun organizing:) thanks Mridu!

Mridu Parikh

That’s so great Jennifer!! Sometimes these smallest projects give us the biggest relief! πŸ™‚ Awesome job! xo, Mridu


So guilty of hanging on to very old receipts. Your right why keep them? Love your lipstick. I wonder what brand you use.

Mridu Parikh

Awesome, do away with those receipts Valerie. πŸ™‚ LOL about the lipstick. I think it’s 3 different colors and glosses mixed together. Maybe Mac, Stella and Estee Lauder? Pretty much whatever I could find in my stash. πŸ˜‰ xo,mridu


may try two items today; all I need is a big garbage bag! first those horrible mismatched lids and bowls. why do I keep thinking I’ll find the perfect mate? NOT! Next, sample city. I’ve purchased very few items (like 1 or 2) in my sample big basket. I really won’t melt getting rid these items; I’ll even have a basket for essentials without buying. Thanks for the little push in the right direction.

Mridu Parikh

Awesome!! I can’t wait to see what you get out of sample city. That place is too overcrowded. πŸ˜‰ Great job Sheryl! xo, mridu


Well the receipts will go as soon as I record them when I find the time (which is another issue). I do ditch them after recording them. The recording thing is something my father did. As to the mismatch lids. Hmm problem is I have to go through them to see if I can find their homes. Again time is the issue.

Mridu Parikh

Hey Mary, just curious? How often do you refer back to the recorded receipts? Is it possible that you’re spending valuable time doing this (because that’s how you were always taught to do it) but maybe you don’t need to? Depends if you’re really going back to those recordings or not/ Just a thought! Oh, and the lids. I hear you! But it feels SO GOOD when they’re all matching and no extras! πŸ˜‰ xo, Mridu

S. "Julia"

Plastic-ware! I live on the coast and that can mean salty moist air. I must put everything in plastic that will live in my garage and laundry room. The “or else” here is that everything may mold or rust in a short period of time if I don’t. I looked high and low, outside and in gathering every piece of plastic-ware. Holy Buckets! My OCD kicked-in! I washed, dried, and matched up what I could. FYI the little teeny-tiny holes on the handles of my containers . . . most tapes will not hold and keep plugged for long. Duct tape is thee only tape that will work. . . silly putty if I run out of duct tape. I had wet research paperwork to proved that I needed to plug up container holes. That paperwork will dry out enough for recycle, compost, or for my next beach bonfire! Oh yes, the plastic-ware I gathered took up about a 1/4 of my garage! What the heck! These “non-compliants” are OUT the door. It doesn’t matter if it rains because they are plastic. Ok what’s next? Let me at it! I’m ona mission! Thanks Mridu!

Mridu Parikh

Oh my goodness Julia! I am LOVING your enthusiasm!!! YOU GO GIRLFRIEND! Yes, I can tell you’re on a mission – and I couldn’t be prouder of ya. πŸ˜‰ XO, M


Not guilty to #1, 2, or 5. Makes me feel great to know I’m already well on my way to conquering clutter and creating better habits to keep it away. Now, to tackle that box of receipts under my coffee table… guilty!! At least they are all in one place.


Not on your list, but here is what I ditched – books.

I love reading. I probably read a book and a half each week. I have a bookcase that has 8 shelves that are about 3 feet each. It was full of books, but I hadn’t touched any of them in months. I do 98% of my reading on my Kindle – so the books were just taking up space. I let myself keep one shelf of books, but the other 7 got donated to a charity. I’m planning to re-purpose the bookshelves as a pantry – because I don’t have one – and it’s hard to keep my dry goods organized and tidy on my counter-tops. Thanks for the push to only keep things I use.

Mridu Parikh

What a great idea Sara! I LOVE to repurpose storage before buying anything new. And coming face to face to the fact you won’t read those books again (especially since you’re using your Kindle) is a huge and awesome step. Congrats on doing such a fantastic job!! xo, mridu


The animal shelter, human society or ASPCA will take old towels to use in rescue work. I always give mine there and they truly appreciate it.

karhy Symington

Hey Mridu, I am getting rid of my receipts. YEARS of receipts. Thanks for the tip..

Mridu Parikh

LOVE hearing that! GREAT job Kathy! You must feel amazing. :)) Keep it up! xo, mridu

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