A Dose Of Motivation

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Last weekend marked the unofficial end to the summer (even though it’s still 90 degrees in my neck of the woods).

As we were driving home from the beach Monday (for nine hours!) I was thinking about all that I had set out to accomplish this summer compared to what t I really got done.

I did pretty well on some projects but of course fell off the wagon on stuff I love to procrastinate, like organizing the kids school papers.

I have plenty of lists to remind me of what I want to get done but nothing motivates me more than my clients.

When I help someone else clear THEIR clutter or space, I immediately want to work on the similar task for myself.

That’s why I hope my weekly videos give you the inspiration that you need too.Β When you hear how a strategy or tip has helped me, it might motivate you to take action.

So once a quarter I like to remind you of some of the tips and strategies you may have wanted to put into place, but just didn’t. (Life just gets in the way some times).

Please watch today’s video for some instant motivation. Then choose just ONE of these tips that you still want to implement and then let me know about it in the comments below! πŸ™‚

As always, thank you so much for watching and sharing.

With much love,




I wanted to use the tips for using the vertical door storage … and our doors fit into the frame snugly. The doors won’t close if I hang something over the top. πŸ™


I’m definitely going to close other tabs on my computer while I’m at work. I always get distracted by the “you’ve got mail” sound.


I love most of your videos. I have not put any of them into practice yet. But I’m hoping to get some of the Time Management challenge a top priority. I follow you on Facebook too. I started watching your videos when you link to the Organizing Links. I love your personality! You are a great motivator. Thanks for sharing your videos.


That’s so annoying! I’ve had that happen with one of my doors. You could possibly sandpaper the top of your doors down very, very slightly…just enough to make a fit. Just a thought!


This one is definitely the toughest for me but whenever I do it I feel so much better. Otherwise I’m checking my email every two minutes. Aaaahhh! πŸ™‚


Rosario, I LOVE hearing from you. I can tell you want to make changes but just need that extra motivation to get started! I hope I can give you that inspiration! Remember, start small. Just pick one small area of your home or life that you’d like to make changes in. And focus only on that before moving on to another.
“See” you next Wednesday. πŸ™‚ xo, mridu

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