these are a few of my favorite things…

Back in my twenties, hopscotching from the East Village to Tribeca, my hot black leather pants and I were inseparable. I loved those skin tight beauties more than any piece of clothing I have ever owned. Fast forward, now my only inseparables are my yoga pants. Along with my Lulus, I also love a few…

you need to hear this before you start 2022

You. Are. A. Special. Human. You’re a magnificent marvel that did something only less than 10% of the world will do. You started a business. Seriously, you’re in the 10% Club! That’s something to be super proud of. As we’re close to starting a new year I’m here to remind you that as a Special…

When you have no time to work ON your business

If you’ve been through my email funnel at any point you might remember getting a survey where I ask 3-4 quickie questions. I get two very important pieces of info. from the awesome answers: #1: Who you are #2: What your biggest struggle is I can’t think of a better way to get to know…

today we’re talking money, honey

Hands up if money’s oozing out your bank account right now (at home and in your biz). Holidays, gifts, and travel, to subscriptions, software, salaries, and marketing. It adds up, doesn’t it? Which is why today we’re talking money, honey.​ ​ Whether you’re swimming in moolah or making ends meet, everyone’s got some type of money…

how to be a better leader and mom

Have I mentioned that I’m a neat freak? No seriously, I can see a crumb on a dustball under a crevice from twenty feet away. My hubster calls it neurotic but I know deep down inside he’s all like, my girl’s got mad cleaning skills. For me, there’s nothing like waking up to a spotless kitchen…

Wanna be lazy and get a ton done?

Did you know ​​I’ve always been jealous of friends who could sleep in ’til noon? Who am I kidding – it’s ​more like 10am! Even as a teen or in my twenties I’d be up by 9am waiting for my friends to show some sign of life so we could dissect every detail about the cute guy…

Don’t do what I did

I cringe when I think about this. For the first three years of my biz (back when I was a home organization coach), I thought I hit the jackpot. Work from home, be my own boss, have total flexibility. I was so smart. Meanwhile, it wasn’t long before I was drowning in all the graphics,…

Stop using old strategies

Raise your hand if this was you in your 20s… You could keep things together…there were stressful days but you didn’t always feel out of control…you definitely got by… And now? With so many milestones under your belt… …An established career… …A growing family… …A place in your community… You’re more like… …I’m just treading…

Do This To Quickly Be Less Snarky

You know what makes doing more with less stress possible? Your attitude. It’s a real thang. Your way of thinking or feeling affects your behavior. Which means your attitude will be the difference between: procrastinating or taking action moving forward or staying in place feeling like a winner or a failure But, when you’re exhausted,…

The Single Greatest Tool To Squash Overwhelm

You know when you wake up in the morning and all the nonsense gets thrown at you before you even get your coffee down? Client issues already?? How many times can my mom text me? Why can no one find their shoes (not to mention the keys)? Who’s turn was it to walk the dog??…