Don’t Let This $$ Issue Happen To You

    I’m pretty frugal when it comes to shopping.  Seriously, my closet is TJMaxxed out!  So when I do splurge on an expensive pair of jeans, I know I’m keeping those bad boys for a long time.  Even if I NEVER wear them.  Hold up!  What did I just say? Why is it that…

Can’t Contain My Excitement For This Store!

Like a kid in a candy store. That was me at 10am today. I fortunately got to attend the Nashville Container Store sneak preview (Grand Opening is this Saturday). And let me say that I am officially “giddy.” For those of you who have a Container Store in your area, keep reading, because there are…

How To Quickly Eliminate Clutter

  Labor Day weekend officially marks “the end of the summer.” Sad to say good-bye but I’ve got to admit, I’m anxious for this heat to end!  Season changes also provide a natural time to clear out your stuff. So next weeks assignment is: Eliminate Your Clutter! 🙂 Do you feel like you have clutter…

Why A Stairs Basket Is A Must

  My kids’ bedrooms are upstairs. Their play room is upstairs. So why is it that there are crayons, socks, legos and video games downstairs everyday?! I suppose (begrudgingly) I have to accept the fact that my kids will bring stuff down and just focus on how to get it back up..on a daily basis….