5 Things You Can Ditch RIGHT NOW

Coming fresh off a 10-day decluttering challenge, I’m on a purging high! Encouraged by a group of fabulous women committed to simplifying their lives, we made pretty good headway (if I may say so myself). 😉 Some things I got out? my stiletto, thigh high boots (talk about aspirational clutter) a box of scrapbooking material…

My Best Decluttering Tip for the Holidays

I hope during all your running around, wrapping gifts, writing cards, baking treats, updating decor and general go-get-’em style – you’re able to stop, take a deep breath, and appreciate YOU. :: For managing all the expectations and demands on your time :: For making all those meals and folding all that laundry :: For…

The Organization Truth You Need To Hear

Is it cliche to thank you today? (Just before Thanksgiving). Perhaps. But I like to think that gratitude is something I show throughout the year. Grateful for a heated home, hot water, accessible food, great friends, loving family and a incredibly supportive community of Lifers. (That would be YOU!) But of course there are special…

Meet Two Decluttering Tips That Really Work

On the countertop. To the kitchen table. To the desk. To the coffee table. To the bedside table. Back to the countertop. That’s basically the clutter cycle in our home. There are so many things we don’t question. We just continue to shuffle them from one place to another: simply part of our routine. No asking…

Without This, You Can’t Get Organized

  You know when you organize a drawer and it makes you feel so great? You loooove how it looks and how easy it is to find what you need. And then, within a week, it’s a complete disaster again. What gives?! Makes you feel like, “What’s the point of organizing it? It’s just going…

Is This Holding You Back From Getting Organized?

  Wanna know what I’ve put off for six years? Making albums. I used to make one each year (since 2002) – with memories of our family, documented chronologically from January through December. I painstakingly worked on each album with incredible detail: scanned in travel tickets, event pamphlets, movie stubs, school photos, kids artwork and…

Prevent Clutter Build Up With This Quick Tip

My closets are perfectly organized. I never have paper piles. My house is always tidy. Best part is my kids are over-the-top clean and haaaaate leaving their things out. Gimme a minute, please. I’ve got to pull myself out o hysterics, smack myself out of fantasy land and wake up to the reality of my life. My…

The Simplest Decluttering Technique

I’m plagued with little piles lurking all over the house and they’re making me crazy! I seem to have remnants of stuff everywhere  as seasonal things have been in and out the last few weeks. Fall wreaths, candles and tableware Halloween decorations and costumes Diwali candles, silver and lights Some of it has made it…

Dealing With Emotional Stuff Easier

  Do you have a hard time letting go of things? Feel like you’ll lose a part of yourself if you don’t keep an item? If you’re nodding your head yes, you’re going to love today’s episode of LIO TV. Even if you’re in the habit of decluttering, it can be hard to deal with…