Does This Efficiency Tool Scare You?

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So I was watching a movie with my kids and there was a scene where a guy played a CD in his car.  And of course my younger one asked “what’s that?,” having only downloaded music before.  “Well, that’s how we used to listen to music…in the good old days,” I responded.  Since when were CD’s the good old days?!  I guess the same time when word processors and beepers were cool.

 Keeping up with technology can be scary.  But ladies,  it doesn’t have to be.  Find out how your attitude could change your life and give you more “ME TIME.”  Who couldn’t use some more of that?

After you’ve watched, please take 30 seconds to tell me what:

  • technology you’ve embraced (that you were holding off on) and
  • how’s it impacted you

Thank you for all your comments and support,
xo,  Mridu 



Love the video!
I am a techno-dud….
But I have gotten better!
I finally switched to the IPhone a little over a year ago.
It has made by 4 hour long daily commuting time, to the city, almost bearable!
I finally get to read my emails!
And get work done on the bus!


Love love love your site. In theory I embrace every single one of your thoughts and mantras, in practice I am useless. Sigh.

As someone who travels for work a lot, and cried that I didn’t have a personal assitant to keep me organized, I downloaded an App called Pageonce. It’s basically all of my choice airlines, hotels, banks, bills, you name it…all in one place. I don’t have to run from site to site.

It lets me know when I have a flight to catch, when a bill is due if I am on the road, when I have an appt at the salon, it gives me all my itineraries so I don’t have run to my computer and print it out and clutter my briefcase/purse with additional papers. And since all my frequent flier #’s are already stored, it updates my points automatically and let’s me know when I have accrued anything additional. (Great for redeeming.) This is as far as techie as I get.

Now if I can get this app to do my laundry I am all set. 😉


I’m not gonna lie. I’m not THAT tech saavy either, but I’ve definitely learned to think about how much happier I’ll be once I learn something new. Welcome to iPhone world. Isn’t it a dream?!!
Thanks so much for your message Nim,


Thanks for your awesome message! I LOVE LOVE this App and can’t wait to download it. I love when fans can share great info. like this, where everyone benefits. Right now I have all my frequent flyer info., bank info etc. on separate lists on Evernote but how much more efficient would it be to have them all in one place! Another blog you might want to check out is Carly provides AMAZING easy tech tips every week. I bet you would love it.
Thanks again for sharing your kick ass thoughts.


Hi! Love the tips as I am holding onto my CDs and ok a few tapes. 2 questions. 1. Can you show us a before and after when you downloaded a great app to convince me and. 2. Completely unrelated but I need help organizing my make up. I have so much makeup which I wear but I go through spurts and only like certain colors for a month and then switch. I do though have my staples that I use everyday but then they get lost in the shuffle bec I have new make up sitting on top of it. HELP! So twenty min later I’m frustrated, my nail chipped, I have tubes all over the place and then end up wearing my boring neutral browns. Tx for any advice.

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