This Change Could Change Everything

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You know when you’ve had a really bad day and are loathing in self-pity? Until you turn on the news and realize that bad days consist of homes burning down or a major health crisis. And then all of a sudden your bad day doesn’t seem so bad after all!

It’s all a matter of perspective.

The way we look at things shapes our attitude, motivation and happiness levels.  It can also change the way we organize. (Which effects our happiness levels too :).

Check out today’s vid to see how you could adapt this new perspective in your life. You never know.  This change may really change your life!

I could really use some lovin’ today so please be a sweetie and leave me a comment about the ONE area in your home that you could use this strategy.

Thanks as always for your time awesome time and support.
xo, Mridu

PS – if you liked this video be sure to check out “Project T-Shirt Drawer” from a couple of weeks ago that uses this same technique.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



Hi Mridu,
video did not give the sound and kept saying it is private.
Thanks, kokia


Hello Mridu, The video on my computer is also saying it is private and looks like a dark screen with snow/static. Wishing you a good day. I know this is probably a bump in your day you don’t need.


Thanks for letting me know ladies! Should be all fixed now. 🙂 xo, Mridu


The stacking of the jeans on the side is great. My problem is the knit sweater stacks I have. I will have to look at that. I am afraid if I try to put those on the side they will become smooshed and wrinkled since they aren’t as stiff. It might work for the sweat shirts though. Thanks for the tip.


I agree Terry. It won’t work for everything. I agree that your nice sweaters might not be sturdy enough. But there are so many other areas in the house that I’ve been doing this lately and it’s helped me so much. Things like trays and cutting boards, sheet sets, pillows, notebooks and picture frames. Another tip I should have mentioned is that it’s much easier if you have your items in some type of container, (like the one I showed for my jeans). That will keep them from falling over. Hope this was helpful! xo, mridu


I have used this technique with plates and dishes which I used to stack and now store vertically in a plate rack in the cupboard


I love that! I now do the same with my baking trays and cutting boards, using a tray rack. Thanks for sharing! 🙂 xo, mridu


If you roll your soft clothing as they teach in military, they will not be wrinkled, take up less space, and when set in a drawer in “file style” just as with the folded jeans tuned from stack to file orientation, you will be able to see the top of every rolled garment.

Julie B.

I just found you through Organizing Junkie. You are a HOOT!!! I love the way you get your point across and talk to “us” as if we are just buds hanging out. Not too boring. I have subscribed to your video feeds as well as your blog.

I have taken several pairs of jeans that I just can’t seem to get rid of and rolled them, put a tag on them stating what size and other pertinent info, and put them in an unused drawer. It is amazing how much space it opened up in my closet.

Natasha S.

Great idea! I will be stacking the board games sideways! Thanks 🙂


Sorry I missed your comment earlier! Thank you!! I’m so glad you find my stuff valuable and fun–that’s just what I’m going for. 😉
Way to take this idea to a whole other level. Tagging your jeans is genius! Thanks for sharing this awesome idea! xo, mridu


I do love the board games this way. It’s helped us a lot. Glad you’re giving it a try too. 😉 xo, -m


Love your tips! I have been doing this with my clothes, but my husband and children don’t like it. I don’t understand why?! Its so much easier to look for items and so much easier to keep clothes organized. Now I have to take that same tip and use it on other stacks like papers, books and magazines.


I’ve been doing the thing with pants (and shirts) for my kiddo. We use a cubbie shelf in the 9 cubbie box size for her clothes and it is so much easier for all of us to pull out clothing.


I’ve definitely found it hard for my kids to “roll” their clothes…so with them I’m still stacking. 🙁 But luckily my husband has really taken to it. 🙂 But yes, try it with your books and magazines. I think you’re going to love it!


I love the cubby idea. I used them in my closet for my clothes too and it works great. Thanks for sharing! xo, mridu

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