84 new messages. Dozens of alerts and texts. Client folders pile high. Has anyone walked the dog?! There’s no doubt you have a hundred hundreds of important things to do. So you take the next natural step. You do the dishes. Or jump on IG. Or organize your makeup drawer. Why this? Why now? All the demands on…
Productivity Tips And Inspiration
how you know what’s truly important
It happened today…and I’m not happy about it. I look a few days ahead in my calendar and I’ve definitely overdone it. Too many calls, meetings, projects, and demands. Too many commitments and yeses to other people and their expectations. I don’t like what I see. Our calendars act as a mirror to our lives….
the absolute best system to use
I have to tell you about THE best system ever. It’s how I manage all my to-do’s and tasks across my life. It’s exceptional. It will totally work for you. Unless it doesn’t. Maybe you’ll hate Notion (my new life management tool). Or maybe you’re an Outlook diehard and hate Google Calendar. In fact, maybe you hate digital stuff altogether and…
i can’t believe how long this took me to do
I couldn’t touch it. It would take days to figure out. My last year’s taxes were messed up and now…a big, fat penalty. I didn’t know where to begin. The backup? The expenses? The donations? Do I still have my bank statements? Should I track down the accountant? When will I deal with this monstrosity?…
why you keep falling behind
I’ve gotten really good at saying “No” to things I don’t want to do. Can you head up the student committee this year? “No thank you, I’ve already got a ton on my plate.” Will you pleeeease come to this networking event with me? “Sorry, but it’s not the right audience for me.” Wanna join…
Are we powerless against distractions?
Staying focused is really freakin’ hard. It’s hard to walk from your kitchen to your bedroom without getting distracted. It’s challenging to plan your day without getting sucked into email. It’s nearly impossible to ignore the barrage of alerts and updates. Why are we so addicted to our distractions? Do we simply not have any…
you have to stop waiting for this
I know it’s not easy to do it all. To go after your dreams, or build a business from scratch… Nurturing relationships and raising a family… While silencing the inner critic that tells you you’re not good or smart or together enough. It takes courage. It really does. To show up every day and do…
good news. you’re not lazy!
Believe it or not there was a time I termed myself “a lazy person.” Not because I was sitting around all day. No – just the opposite. I was in constant movement and always busy. BUT – I wasn’t getting the important things done, so naturally my mind went to thinking “I’m lazy”, which eventually led…
answers are in the details
I recently told you that I’ve been taking control of my health. I’m logging my food, nutritional info., and how I’m feeling. I’ve discovered a ton about my moods, bloating, calorie intake, carb consumption and so much more. All from two things: 1) Digging into the details 2) Getting truthful Not gonna lie. Sometimes “the…
want to know the secret to more down time?
The lines between work life and personal life are completely blurred. If you no longer having defined hours between this is when I do my work and this is when I spend time with my family or relax or do things for the house… You might be craving what I’ve heard from a lot from women lately: “I…