How To Decide What To Organize First

  We’re going home in a couple days, (home being NY and NJ), so I have about a hundred things to get done before we leave!  And such a long list of “must-organize” projects before I leave,  leads me to serious confusion.  What do I start organizing first?! You might have had the same problem…

What To Do If You Live With A Slob

  Holy x$%! I’m on the heels of school ending and the kids being home for the summer.  I can’t believe how fast the school year has flown.  And that my baby is going to first grade! End of year is exciting but it also means a TON of extra paperwork coming home.  School projects,…

Does This Efficiency Tool Scare You?

    So I was watching a movie with my kids and there was a scene where a guy played a CD in his car.  And of course my younger one asked “what’s that?,” having only downloaded music before.  “Well, that’s how we used to listen to music…in the good old days,” I responded.  Since…

A Critical Strategy For Staying Organized

      I may have already mentioned this before, but I am in a complete spring cleaning frenzy! In the last few weeks, I’ve pulled out everything from our garage, laundry room, closets, attic and home office. And, boy, does it feel good!! Although, after basking in my glory I find myself getting anxious…

Lost Your Organizing MOJO?

    Purge. Sort. Label.  Purge. Sort. Label.  And so on and so on.   Isn’t that just the organizing way?  Depends how you look at it.  Does gaining serenity and decreasing stress sound boring?  Does getting to places on schedule and having time for the things you enjoy sound mundane?  Sounds pretty exciting to me. …

Have You Taken This Simplification Step?

    Lately I’ve been working with a lot of folks on organizing their photos.  It seems that many of us struggling with the same challenge.  How do we contain our huge collections?!  For most people reading this, your photos collections are a combination of Polaroids, prints and digital photos.  Gone are the days of…

Get Stuff Out Of Your Home, For Good

    Is Spring cleaning on your mind?  If so, you’re not alone.  My hubby and I just seriously purged our closet to make room for our newly bought spring collection. 🙂   But after spending all that time and effort we were exhausted, making the hardest part of the job… getting our clothes OUT of…

Top Tips For Organizing Your Playroom

  I’m often tempted to clean up my kids toys but have to remind myself to make them do it instead.  But why are kids so painfully slow to pick up after they’ve played?  Well, I guess like the rest of us, play time is a lot more fun than the post-play hangover.  And as…

The Sure Fire Way To Simplify Your Holidays

    My boys were very excited today when I took out the box labeled “Easter” from the attic.  I love decorating around each holiday — the excitement it brings when everything goes up and the smile it puts on my face for days after.  I also love decorating a themed table but thinking about…

Three Biggest Organizing Myths

  Ok, who remembers Richard Gere and the “gerbil incident”?  Or rather, who could forget! Poor Richard.  That “story” will take him to his grave.   Myths…Urban Legends…National Enquirer.  How boring would our lives be without them?! And in our every day lives we have our own list of myths.  Does flossing really add seven years…