The Key To Your Daily Happiness

You know what makes people happy everyday? Perfect shoes? Bargains? Chocolate covered anything? Wine…any wine? 😉 Ok, I’m totally digressing over here. It’s actually something much simpler (and inexpensive) than that. It’s setting goals and reaching them. Think about it. If you make a goal to exercise but don’t get your walk or gym class in, you feel…

How I Avoid Anxiety

My son came home with a school project yesterday that is due in three weeks. I definitely sensed his nervousness about getting it all done. So many moving pieces to pull together! So, like a good mama, I helped him plan it out. 😉 I suggested breaking up the weeks into phases of PLANNING, DOING AND…

Top 10 Time Secrets

On one hand I feel like I have more time, as the kids are back in school…(can I hear a “hallelujah!”) And on the other hand I feel like I’m running out of time, as the holidays are right around the corner. YIKES! Which is why I’m SO excited to share today’s podcast interview with you today…

10 Questions To Supercharge Decluttering

You’re finally ready to go at it. That closet or pantry or garage that you’ve been putting off for months. You recognize the need to make more room and alleviate pain in this stress zone. You’ve set aside the day and you’re confident you’ll be a decluttering rockstar. Until this… You find your baby’s trunk full of…

5 Powerful Reasons I’ve Simplified

Although it’s not even August, it feels like summer is up in the Parikh household. The boys are back in school on Monday (I know, crazypants!) Maybe it’s not so bad considering it’s a steady 100 degrees these days – and not much fun being outside anyway. (Talk about overheating!) So today I have a…

My Best Strategy To Feel Less Stressed

It’s been a few weeks since we’ve connected and I’ll be honest. I’m feeling a bit of separation anxiety. So I’m thrilled to be writing to you again. (In case you missed why my blogging schedule has changed and what I’m up to now, you can read about it here). Over the last few months,…

A Mistake Most Women Make

I got the most adorable and amazing card from my son for Mother’s Day. It was a People Magazine issue that voted me “World’s Greatest Mom.” I know it was a school project and every mom in the class got one…but still – sooooo precious! And I know exactly where that beauty is going. In my…

What To Do When You’re Feeling Stuck

Ever feel like you’re not moving towards your goals as fast as you wish you were? The reality is we often stand in our own way. Every time I’ve felt stuck, overwhelmed or paralyzed I realize there’s some level of self-induced undermining going on – like procrastination or uncertainty. And this results in my fear of…

My Top 5 Most Efficient Apps

I’m a big personal development fan. Always reading a book about creating better habits, more self awareness or adopting mindsets to build a better biz and life. Lately I’ve been reading a lot about self-sabotage. Of course my immediate thought was “I don’t sabotage myself from moving forward. Of course I want to grow!” And…